Jay Poojara
React Native

Securing React Native Applications

October 6, 2020 3 min read


Securing React Native Applications

Reading Time: 3 minutes

React Native is a very popular cross-platform mobile application development framework. In React native components are rendered in Native UI instead of the Webview UI. In this article, we will focus on the security of React Native applications. Before that let’s analyze the React Native application.

Analyzing React Native App

React Native has a different approach for cross-platform mobile applications. Traditionally, other platform uses webview to render the application. But, React Native run the JS code in a JavaScript VM based on the JavaScriptCore. It uses the Native JavaScriptCore on iOS and uses JavaScriptCore Libs to bundle the APK on android.

In React Native, JS uses JavaScript bridge to render various components and communicate with the native platforms. All the js files are bundled into a single JS file, which is known as entry-file.

We should consider the following security things while building the React Native application.

  • Securing app to server connection
  • Securing Local Data
  • Integrity checks and securing apps from reverse engineering.
React Native App Security Architecture

Securing app to server connection

  • Usually, in mobile apps, APIs are the main and core part of the app. APIs are used to communicate between mobile apps and servers.
  • Most of the app doesn’t secure this portion of the app. And the result is a massive data breach.
  • Insecure Communication is highlighted in the OWASP Mobile Top 10 at #3.
  • To secure the app communication between mobile app and server
    • Use SSL/TLS connection for APIs.
    • User access tokens to secure your session and API accesses.
    • For this, we can use the SSL Pinning technique. 
  • On the latest versions of iOS (from iOS 9) and Android (From Android 9), SSL is required for the API communication. Although we can disable it from the Info.plist and AndroidManifest.xml file, it is not recommended. In addition to that, we can add pin our server certificates into our app, Which is known as a SSL Pinning.
  • SSL Pinning is a technique that we use in the client-side to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks by validating the server certificates again even after SSL handshaking.

SSL Pinning in React Native

We use either fetch or libraries like axios, to consume the apis in our mobile app. Notwithstanding, these libraries don’t have support for SSL pinning. So, we have to use third-party plugins like react-native-ssl-pinning and react-native-pinch.

  1. react-native-ssl-pinning: this plugin uses OkHttp3 on Android and AFNetworking on iOS to provide SSL pinning and cookie handling. For this library, we have to put the certificate inside the app and have to handle the use case when the certificate is expired. Remember one thing, we have to provide a new update to the users of the app before the certificate expires.
  2. react-native-pinch: this plugin is similar to react-native-ssl-pinning

Securing local data

Frequently we store data in the local storage of the device. There are many ways to store the data locally in react native. Like Async-storage, SQLite, pouchdb, and realm.

This usually occurs when the development team assumes that users/malware will not have access to the local filesystem. But in reality, it is very easy to access the filesystem. And as a result, mobile apps face massive malware attacks and private information leaks.

So to secure it we can use,

  • For Realm
    • it has support for encryption by default. It uses the AES256 algorithm and the encrypted realm is verified using SHA-2 HMAC hash.
  • Keychain and Keystore Access

Integrity checks and securing apps from reverse engineering

Rooted/Jailbreak devices should be considered as the inscure. On rooted devices, users can manipulate the OS features and can directly access the DBs and all to spoof the data. So, to avoid this, the App should detect that the device is rooted and should avoid the execution of the app. For that, we have a library called JailMonkey

JailMonkey can detect that is device Rooted/Jailbreak as well as it can also detect that is a device using the Mock Location.

Additionally, we can use react-native-device-info to check if an app is running in an emulator.

Protecting the Application Logic

  • In React Native, the communication between Native and JavaScript code is handled by a JavaScript Bridge. The source JS files are compiled into one single bundle file known as an entry-file. it’s fair to assume the entry-file as the core application logic.
  • a third-party can retrieve the code, reverse-engineer sensitive logic, or even tamper with the code to abuse the app (such as unlocking features or violating license agreements)
  • To prevent this we can use a library like Jscrambler.

To get started with protecting React Native source code with Jscrambler, check the official guide.

Hello, I am Jay Poojara, a professional Android, Laravel, NodeJS, EmberJS & React Native Developer. I am a very enthusiastic learner about the latest web and mobile technologies and a big fan of PS4 and Movies.
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